Sunday, July 31, 2005


Lolly & I have been really good friends for like 6 years now- we could always talk to each other about anything (&, chances are, we've talked about almost everything). She's been there for me when neither close friends nor family were around to lend a helping hand or share a kind word. I've always appreciated that from her & count her as one of my few close friends. No matter what we ever did, we always had a good time- from just chillin' & watching a movie to going out w/a bunch of friends & dancing the night away. Her sister Yvonne is also very, very cool & the 3 of us have hung out a lot...ahh, some good memories.

I met Lolly at a bus stop we both use to frequent on our way home. We'd chat a bit but little by little, I realized this was one really good, kind person. We only exchanged numbers 'cuz I was going to be working in downtown so I wasn't going to be seeing her on that bus. We'd chat occasionally &, little by little, got to be better friends. But it's funny how things change.

While we're still good friends, things do change when your friends get married- not in a bad way, just on a different level (trust me, I know, having TONS of friends get married in the last few years). All friendships go thru their tough times & little by little we stopped hanging out as much. Next thing I know, she'd met someone, fallen in love & they got married a while after that. They've had their problems (like all couples, I guess) but I truly wish her the best & I'm sure they'll work it out (good people deserve to be happy). They just bought a house so hopefully doing something together will bring them closer. Stopping by her pad the other night w/BigO, I realized it'd been a while since I'd seen her. She seems stressed out as she looked a bit emaciated- really odd 'cuz she's always been one helluva good cook (my tummy still has fond memories of the green enchiladas w/rice & beans she made me for my b-day a couple years back).

Hope ya feel better, Lolly, you know you have lots of friends & family who support ya & love ya to death.



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